Lilypie Fifth Birthday

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, November 28, 2008


Cheesy Thanksgiving smile!

Watching Lord of the Rings with Daddy.

Daddy kisses.

Playing in the carseat box.

Having a good time at Karis' birthday party!

Yay for balloons!!!

"Helping" with laundry.

Standing all alone.

Nakey butt nap time.

I uploaded pictures from the camera today, and these were some of my favorites.

November is almost gone. Man it's gone by fast too! It seems like time just starts going by faster and faster each day.

We hosted Thanksgiving at our house for the first ime this year. I won't divulge too much information because Owen should be the one to blog about it. He did all of the cooking, and man it was delicious! Emery loves turkey!

It's been a pretty busy month. Emery learned to crawl, pull up, and climb. We went to a birthday party, and got Emery a new carseat. Owen got laid off, so he's been home the past couple of weeks. It's been nice having him around, but we both are really looking forward to him finding a job ASAP!
Wanna know what I'm thankful for? My family (both near and far), my friends, my church. We have a place to call home, food in our fridge, and clothes on our backs. What more could we ask for really? :)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

7 months

So I forgot to post about Emery turning 7 months old...oops. His 7 month birthday was on the 15th. He popped his tooth out on the 11th, and crawled hands and knees style on the 12th. I'll post a video soon, the little guy is MOVING all the time. Owen and I have invested in two baby gates thus far, and even those are no match for our little guy. I'm out of time, he's trying to climb...

Friday, November 14, 2008

6 Random Facts About Me

Jasmine tagged me.
#1) I found this chair at the thrift store and really wanted to buy it (because I love funky old stuff like this!) so I took a picture of it because I knew Owen would hate it and make me take it back. Now everytime I go to that thrift store I look for other chairs like it.

#2) I love eggnog. I mean really, really love it. I love it so much that while I was pregnant I figured out how to make it at home. It saved us a lot of money, and I was a happy pregnant lady.

#3) When I was nannying Jakob I had to think of creative ways to explain things to him. When I was taking my maternity leave I drew this for Jakob. It's a sequence of events leading up to my return to work. I think it's the most artistic thing I've ever drawn. Seriously.

#4) Daffodils and dandelions are my two favorite flowers. I want a tatoo of a dandelion. This is a picture of Owen's hand and the size of the dandelions in Oregon. (Does this count as three facts?)

#5) My name means Luck or Ireland. My Grandpa named me after the red haired girl on The Waltons, and this is me dressed as a leprechaun.

#6) When I was in High School I was in the Panther Singers. It was an honor choir of sorts. I ate lunch in the choir room everyday which led to many nerdy picture opps. These were taken my Senior year. See? Can you find me?

I tag: whoever wants to share six random facts about themselves.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Our beautiful, toothy, smiley boy BEFORE he decided to chew on a CD case. Our beautiful, gummy, not so smiley, boy AFTER chewing on a CD case.
We feel absolutely horrible. Emery doesn't really seem phased by it at all. He cried for a bit, and bled, but then he was fine. The dentist said that he will just not have a tooth until his adult teeth come in (when he's like 7 or 8). Apparently he's never seen anything like this. It seems as if he just sort of torqued it out of his gums (see how it looks split?).
Well, our first emergency was bound to happen, I just wish he was a bit older. :( He's still nursing just fine (thank goodness!), I was hoping he would.

Can I have a hug please?

Here are some pants that I made for Mr. E out of an thrift store wool sweater. It was a men's XL. I felted it, then cut off the sleeves, and voila. Of course there is more too it than that, but I digress.

Wanna know how I did it? Go here.

In some circles they are known as wool longies. Wool is one of those magical fibers that draws moisture away from the skin and absorbs odor, so it makes wonderful diaper covers for cloth diapers. These pants are amazing! Since we EC, they are perfect for those "misses" that inevitably happen (and they have definitely been happening more lately!).

I would love to make about 7 more pairs so he has one for every day of the week. So, in short....all I really want for christmas is some thrift store wool sweaters (at least 30% wool please!).

Not only is wool great for diaper covers and longies, but you can make really awesome felted toys and other nifty things out of it! :) For example, I am in the process of making Emery some shoes like this out of felted wool. (which I think may have broken my machine :( nuts!)

I also made a pair of split crotch pants but I don't have a picture of those yet. I didn't use wool for these, but I'm considering it once my machine is in working order again. Hmmph.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

The army crawl

Pretty cute huh? Please ignore the mess my house is in. Cleaning isn't my top priority. Emery is. :) That mountainous pile of what appears to be laundry is actually my sewing fabric stash. I', trying to thin it out.

Yeah, so I didn't make a "Frost on the Pumpkin" cake. I made pumpkin cheesecake brownies instead. Which, by the way, aren't really brownies...they don't contain any chocolate. How misleading, but they're still good I guess.

Until next time....

Friday, November 7, 2008

Emery and I went to "Book Babies" (story time) at the library today. We haven't been in awhile, and he loved it! Well, except for the one time Ethan, (an 11month old who is learning to walk) crawled over to Emery and tried to show his affection by bopping him on the head. Emery smiled at first, but by the third bop he was in tears. I don't think it hurt him, I think he just wasn't sure how to react and he wanted some space. Nothing some snuggles couldn't fix. :) I think it wore him out though, he was asleep before we left the library parking lot.

I wanted to share this picture with you guys, I thought it was too cute. He was falling asleep while eating a red fleshed apple. :) See his eyes?

I'm in the mood to bake today, especially since Owen ate all of the chocolate chip cookies well....I guess I helped.
I think it's time for my Grandma's "Frost on the Pumpkin" cake. The weather is just begging for it. Cold and rainy. Ugh. The rainy season has begun in Oregon, that means it's winter here. I'll post pictures of the cake when I'm done with it.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Here is the obligatory Halloween picture. I made my costume sans pattern so it took forever! It was made with nursing in mind. The top portion lifted up for access to a tank top that I turned into a nursing tank. The skirt portion was sewn to the tank top. It sounds a lot easier than it was. Phew. It was fun, but I'm glad it's over.

Here we have Daddy and Emery. Notice Emery's foot in the second picture, it's in his candy bucket. Shortly after, he dropped the bucket breaking the bottom. His shoes kept falling off as well so we finally just put a pair of socks on him. :) He had a good time. A couple people thought he was a girl though, they called him "Pocohontas". I don't think he looks like a girl at all...does he?!

How was your Halloween?