Here you go Moms - a different kind of survey for a change - it's all about you and your first baby.
Were you married at the time? yes
How old were you? 26
How did you find out you were pregnant? I had taken several tests and they all came back negative. When Owen and I arrived in Oregon (after driving for four days with me starving, exhausted, and moody the whole way!) I found a test while I was unpacking the bathroom stuff. I figured I would take it just out of curiosity, the lines showed up instantly!
What was your reaction when you found out you were pregnant? Disbelief because I had already taken so many tests.
Who did you tell first? Owen. I said, "Honey, you should come look at this!" He said, "MAybe you should take another one."
Did you want to find out the sex? Owen did, I didn't.
Due date? March 27th
Did you deliver early or late? LATE....Nearly three weeks late. April 15th to be exact.
Did you have morning sickness? I think I threw up once, but mostly I just had really bad headaches.
What did you crave? Chocolate, Bubble Teas, and rice pasta with butter.
How many pounds did you gain throughout the pregnancy? I think about 40
Did you lose all the weight? yes, and then 10 more, thanks to breastfeeding, unfortunately I'm having a hard time maintaining my weight!
Did you have any complications during your pregnancy? Nope, smooth sailing.
Who drove you to the hospital?No one, Emery was born in our bedroom.
How long were you in labor? 10 hours, one of those was pushing.
Did you take any medicine for pain? Nope. I did it all natural.
How much did your child weigh? 8lbs. 14 oz.
What did you name him/her? Emery Aiden
Was he/she named after anyone/anything special? Owen's Great great Grandfather was named Emory , and we both happen to like the band Emery so it just made sense to us.
How old is your firstborn today? 9 months, 15 days :)
Does your firstborn have any siblings? nope
If not, how many siblings do you want your firstborn to have? 2 or 3, we'll see
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