I've been a terrible blogger lately.
I'm sorry.
Forgive me?
Things here in Houston, are well, busy.
I assumed that once we got here life would slow down a bit. You've heard the saying that it takes a village to raise a child? Well, we've got our village, and they are helping raise our child, but things haven't slowed down at all! How does that work?
Since we've been here, we've planted a garden, cleaned out a room, unpacked way to much stuff, been to the zoo, been to the Children's Festival, visited a home that Owen's mom grew up in, and had pictures taken. I have some pictures to post, but our camera cord is MIA.
Emery's birthday is next week, 10 days from now, exactly.
I'm making him a cupcake "cake" and aranging them like an alligator. We're going to go to the park and play. That's all nothing fancy. :)
Signing has exploded for Emery! He's mastered "more", "Mommy", "Daddy", "drink" and "eat", and almost "flower". He can say cat, Kitty, dog, Mama, Daddy, Sweetie, and Hi. He loves to say hi!
He officially became a walker yesterday. He's been sort of 'walking' for a while but for some reason yesterday it just sort of clicked and he toddles around like nobody's business. He's also realized that temper tantrums are way cool. (I don't agree!) I guess they aren't full fledged tantrums, but they may eventually turn into them if we don't figure out how to communicate better with him. Any suggestions? :)